Saturday, October 23, 2010

Our New Home

At least for the next 12 - 24 months :3

We had a call from the rental agent for W. Withers cottage asking us things like
"Can you keep the lawns mown?" and "Is this the correct amount you earn so we
know you will be able to pay the rent?" to which we answered "...yeeessss"

A few hours later she called back asking us whether we were willing to take on the responsibility of taking care of the cottage and warning us that people may be coming through and around to make decisions about whether the building can have it's Zoning changed...I am hoping the answer on that is a no because I would love to own this house one day. It is a joy and I wish to obtain a list of dos and don'ts from the national trust so I can give it some major loving and a face lift.

Today after much yessing and squeeing Allan, Toby, our friends Nikki & Fergie and I went to the house and had a picnic on the back porch. It was so lovely! There was a magpie that came down and asked for food but s/he was very particular about where s/he ate it from X3
I was re leaved to notice that the house has bating in the roof, all though sticking out slightly (which I thought might have been a wasp nest at first and seemed to worry Fergie) as well as the delightful smell of the Jasmine being brought to us by a light breeze from the driveway! :D

The first three shots are of the front of the house and entryway

This is down the side of the house next to the road.
This rose blends when not in bloom with the other plants and then Boom!
Gorgeous yellow flowers beaming up at you :o)

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